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Tithonia Goldfinger – Mexican Sunflower


Smaller and more compact than ‘Torch’, this superb plant from Mexico profusely delivers lovely soft-orange-coloured dahlia like flowers on compact plants averaging 3ft (90cm).


Tithonia Goldfinger – Mexican Sunflower

Tithonia Goldfinger – Mexican Sunflower. Smaller and more compact than ‘Torch’, this superb plant from Mexico profusely delivers lovely soft-orange-coloured dahlia like flowers on compact plants averaging 3ft (90cm).  Flowers freely from Jul to Oct.

Cultivation Advice Tithonia Goldfinger – Mexican Sunflower

  • Sow mid spring onwards with warm provided ideally under cover in trays.
  • Sow thinly and lightly cover at a minimum of 60F.  They will not germinate if cold.
  • Germination in 10-21 days.
  • Thin and prick out when large enough to handle.
  • Grow on and plant out after all danger of frost has passed.
  • Ideally plants should be 30-45 cm apart when mature.

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