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Swiss Chard – Fordhook Giant


Broad dark-green heavily crumpled leaves with white veins and stalks. Plants grow 24-28″ high with 2′” wide stalks. Abundant crops all season and even after the first light frosts. 50-60 days.

  • Seed Count: 200

804 in stock

SKU: SWS03 Categories: ,

Cultivation Advice –  Swiss Chard  – Fordhook Giant

  • Swiss Chard does not transplant well and does best if the seeds are planted directly in the soil.
  • Sow about 6 seeds per foot directly into the garden
  • as soon as soil can be worked in early spring to summer through mid spring.
  • Cover seeds with 1/2 inch of fine soil.
  • When seedlings are 3 to 4 inches high thin to 8 to 12 inches apart.
  • Use leaves from young thinned plants in salads.
  • Start cutting outer leaves when plants are about 8 inches tall for extended harvest,
  • new leaves will grow out from the centre.
  • Cut back plants in late summer to rejuvenate them for fall production.
  • Swiss Chard is resistant to frost, and can be harvested well after first frost

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