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Swede Rutabaga American Purple Top


A reliable and extremely productive variety producing high yields of large yellow roots with deep purple crowns of very sweet flavour. The roots are nearly globe shaped, 4 to 6 inches in diameter with 20 inch tall tops and the flesh is firm and fine grained. Store extremely well.

  • Seed Count: 3000

342 in stock

SKU: SWE01 Categories: ,

Swede Rutabaga American Purple Top

Swede Rutabaga American Purple Top. A reliable and extremely productive variety producing high yields of large yellow roots with deep purple crowns of very sweet flavour. The roots are nearly globe shaped, 4 to 6 inches in diameter with 20 inch tall tops and the flesh is firm and fine grained. Store extremely well.

Cultivation Advice Swede Rutabaga American Purple Top

  • Swedes take a long time to mature and don’t like hot, dry weather.
  • Planted in the spring and harvested in the summer, they’ll be bitter.
  • Planted early to mid summer and harvested in the autumn, they’ll be sweet.
  • Direct sow seeds three to four months before the first autumn frost.
  • Sow seeds 1/2 an inch (12 mm) deep, two inches (5 cm) apart,
  • with 18 inches (46 cm) between rows. Thin to 6-9 inches (15-23 cm).
  • Swedes will grow in average soil.
  • Too much organic matter or nitrogen can cause malformed roots.

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