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Swede – Gowrie


A popular purple skinned variety with good flesh colour and texture.  Offers excellent disease resistance to Powdery Mildew and Club Root.  Stands well for cropping Oct – Jan and stores well in dry conditions.

  • Seed Count: 2500

253 in stock

SKU: SWE04 Categories: ,

Swede – Gowrie

A popular purple skinned variety with good flesh colour and texture.  Offers excellent disease resistance to Powdery Mildew and Club Root.  Stands well for cropping Oct – Jan and stores well in dry conditions.

 Cultivation advice Swede – Gowrie

  • Sow Apr – Jun thinly 1cm deep with 45 cm between rows
  • Best results generally from a May sowing. Swedes do best in well dug soils which have not been recently manured
  • As seedlings develop, gradually thin them until about 20cm apart. Do not transplant.
  • Keep soil moist until seedlings are established.
  • Very hardy and will withstand frost. Lift as required or all together for storage in dry sand until needed.

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