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Herb St Johns Wort – Hypericum Perforatum


St Johns Wort Hypericum Perforatum. Is a shrubby perennial delivering an attractive flourish of bright yellow flowers.  Reddish-brown fruit capsules ripen in September and persist well into the winter.  Will readily self-seed.


St Johns Wort Hypericum Perforatum

St Johns Wort Hypericum Perforatum. Is a shrubby perennial delivering an attractive flourish of bright yellow flowers.  Reddish-brown fruit capsules ripen in September and persist well into the winter.  Will readily self-seed.

Well know over the years for its herbal uses it fell out of fashion last century but has once again attracted attention for its alleged properties related to remedying depression.

Please note this plant should not be used for any medicinal use without specific medical advice as it can interfere with other prescribed medicines.

Cultivation advice St Johns Wort Hypericum Perforatum

  • Can be direct sown to the growing position in autumn or spring scattered thinly over finely prepared soil.  Do not cover
  • Alternatively sow in trays under cover 10-12 weeks prior to the last predicted frost.  Surface sow and gently press in.  Do not cover seed as they need light to germinate.
  • Germinates best at 60-70F, averaging 15-30 days from a spring sowing.
  • Prick out to trays / pots when large enough to handle and grow on.
  • Plant out after the last frost, gradually acclimatising plants grown under cover.

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