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Organic Red Lentil – Microgreen/Sprouting


Red Lentil organic sprouting seeds have a lovely salmon-pink hue, with a slightly peppery taste. When sprouted, this flavourful variety is also nutrient-dense and is high in fibre, protein and vitamins. These sprouts are an ideal addition to salads, pasta and rice dishes.

Our microgreen and sprouting seeds are untreated, non-GMO, and have undergone rigorous laboratory testing for pathogens.

SKU: Rng_281651534188 Categories: ,

Organic Red Lentil – Growing Instructions

  1. Clean and sterilise the sprouter.
  2. Put the seeds in the sprouter and cover with room temperature water
  3. Soak the seeds for 8-12 hours
  4. Then rinse and drain all of the water until the seeds are damp.
  5. Place the seeds in the sprouter and cover with a lid, in a low light location.
  6. Make sure to rinse the seeds 2-3 times a day until harvesting around days 3-4.

Organic Red Lentil – Key Facts

Difficulty: Easy
Presoak: 8-12 hours
Germination: 3-4 days
Time to harvest: 3-4 days
Flavour: Crunchy and slightly bitter with an earthy and nutty taste
Nutrients: Vitamins A, B, C, E & K, with Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus & Magnesium

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