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Spinach Medania


A great all year round variety sown in spring or late summer as a maincrop variety or cut-and-come again salad leaf.  Good resistance to bolting with high quality yields. Easy to grow.

  • Seed Count: 1000

419 in stock

SKU: SPN05 Categories: ,

Spinach Medania

Spinach Medania. A great all year round variety sown in spring or late summer as a maincrop variety or cut-and-come again salad leaf.  Good resistance to bolting with high quality yields. Easy to grow.

Cultivation Advice Spinach Medania

  • Sow thinly at 2-3 intervals from mid spring through to late summer 2cm deep and 30cm apart.
  • Avoid mid summer.
  • Thin to 15-20cm between plants.
  • Thinning’s are ideal for salads.
  • Keep well watered and harvest young leaves.
  • Harvest from 6-8 weeks after sowing for approximately 3 months and replace.

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