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Radish – White Icicle


Radish White Icicle adds spice without the bite!  Brilliant White torpedo-shaped, 5-inch roots are crisp and mild, with easy-bunch tops.  30 Days from germination to harvest. 

  • Size: 10 gm

564 in stock

SKU: RAD13 Categories: ,

Radish White Icicle

Radish White Icicle adds spice without the bite!  Brilliant White torpedo-shaped, 5-inch roots are crisp and mild, with easy-bunch tops.  30 Days from germination to harvest. 

A must for every allotment and veg patch alike.

Sow often and little from the last frost until winter for a continuous crop all summer.

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We accept all major credit and debit cards

2025 Premier Seeds Direct

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