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Carrot Rainbow Mix


A unique mixed combination of colour and taste sensations that are sure to excite and delight at the dinner table. Purple has a smooth skin and coreless orange flesh which is sweet and tasty and especially striking when sliced. Yellow holds its bright sunny hue inside and out, is extra crunchy and juicy and has a wonderfully refreshing sweet flavour. White is very mild and especially delicious when young. Red has very high lycopene levels as well as a crispy texture that is great when cooked.

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Growing Instructions


  • Purple – Cosmic Purple, Yellow – Solar Yellow, White – Lunar White, Red – Atomic Red.  (Mixed Seed Packet of equal quantities)
  • Please note carrots are not the easiest of vegetables to grow well and benefit from lighter stone free soils.
  • Dig or till the carrot bed deeply when the soil is on the dry side to avoid making lumps.
  • Work the soil to a fine texture 15-25cm (6-10 in.) deep to allow the carrot roots to grow long and shapely.
  • Avoid freshly-manured soil, which may produce hairy, rough roots and will cause forks and splits;
  • Sow seed thinly in rows, 1cm (1/2 in.) deep, 30-40cm (12-16 in.) between the rows as soon as the danger of hard frost has passed. Try to get about 4 seeds per 2cm (1 in.).
  • Thin to 16-20 carrots per 30 cm (1ft.) for fresh eating whilst small and 6-10 carrots per 30 cm (1ft.) for mid season crops, depending on the root size you want, and keep weeded and watered.
  • Dispose of thinned seedlings to avoid attracting Carrot Fly.
  • As they grow, push soil up over any exposed roots to prevent a green shoulder.

Type:  Hardy Annual
Time to Germinate: 14-21 Days
Temperature Required: 12°c +
Days to Maturity: 70-80 Days
Light: Full Sun

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