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Pea Progress No 9 Organic


Classed as a second early this popular variety has short 40-50 cm vines that produce long pods 8-10 cm long with around 9 extra sweet peas per pod. The variety is resistant to Fusarium Wilt and Fusarium Root Rot.

  • Seed Count: 250

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SKU: ORG082 Categories: ,

Pea Progress No 9 Organic

Pea Progress No 9 Organic. Classed as a second early this popular variety has short 40-50 cm vines that produce long pods 8-10 cm long with around 9 extra sweet peas per pod. The variety is resistant to Fusarium Wilt and Fusarium Root Rot.

Cultivation Advice Pea Progress No 9 Organic

  • Plant where peas have not been grown for 2 seasons, digging in well rotted organic matter.
  • Sow Mar – Jun 2” deep in 6” wide rows 2 inches apart.
  • The distance between the rows should equal the expected height of the variety.
  • Avoid sowing during any cold or very wet periods
  • Protect immediately from birds.
  • Keep weed free.
  • Provide support by 3 inches tall.
  • Pick regularly to maintain yields.

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