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Papaver Commutatum Poppy Ladybird


A charming relative and brighter version of the corn field poppy producing shining crimson single blooms with a black blotch on 12-18 in plants. A prolific bloomer, each plant should deliver two dozen flowers from late spring to early summer

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Papaver Commutatum Poppy Ladybird 

Papaver Commutatum Poppy Ladybird new. A charming relative and brighter version of the corn field poppy producing shining crimson single blooms with a black blotch on 12-18 in plants. A prolific bloomer, each plant should deliver two dozen flowers from late spring to early summer. Best in full sun.

Papaver Commutatum Poppy Ladybird 

  • Sow from late autumn to early spring directly to the growing site.
  • Rake the area to a fine tilth before sowing and scatter thinly and rake in and water.
  • Seeds sown after the last heavy frost need to be chilled in the fridge (10-14 days) first in order to break the seeds natural dormancy.
  • Thin seedlings out, ensuring 6-8 inches between plants by late spring / early summer.
  • Plants readily self-seed for future years.

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