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Organic Cauliflower Snowcrown


Cauliflower Snowcrown. A very early mild and sweet variety producing snow white heads protected by vigorous leaves. Its vigor and rapid growth make it one of the easiest to grow of all early varieties. The fully domed curds reach 7-8 inches across, weighing 1-2 pounds. May manifest a delicate pink blush when maturing in the hotter drier periods.

  • Seed Count: 500

214 in stock

SKU: ORG140 Categories: ,

Cauliflower Snowcrown Organic

Cauliflower Snowcrown. A very early mild and sweet variety producing snow white heads protected by vigorous leaves. Its vigor and rapid growth make it one of the easiest to grow of all early varieties. The fully domed curds reach 7-8 inches across, weighing 1-2 pounds. May manifest a delicate pink blush when maturing in the hotter drier periods.

Cultivation advice Cauliflower Snowcrown Organic

  • Start indoors in a warm, well-lighted area from early Jan through Mar for the earliest of crops. Sow seeds ¼” deep in good compost. Keep evenly moist. Seedlings emerge in 5-8 days at 70º F. They do best covered lightly with soil. Alternatively sow directly outside from late Mar – May..
  • Transplant seedlings to individual pots when large enough to handle. Plant outside 2-3 weeks before your last frost date. They grow best at 55º to 65º F. Do not let seedling become more that 5 weeks old because older seedlings do not mature well transplanted.
  • Set plants 18″ apart in rows 24″ apart.  Harvest from Jun – Sep.
  • Water deeply once a week in dry weather. Cultivate or mulch to control weeds. High fertility and abundant supply of water throughout the growing season are important.

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