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Onion Walla Walla organic


A fantastic and ever popular old French variety producing one of the sweetest onions available, ideal for salads.  The large bulbs are mild and crunchy with pure white flesh.

  • Seed Count: 600

159 in stock

SKU: ORG279 Categories: ,

Onion Walla Walla organic

Onion Walla Walla organic. A fantastic and ever popular old French variety producing one of the sweetest onions available, ideal for salads.  The large bulbs are mild and crunchy with pure white flesh.  A short keeper so use fresh from the ground.  Should be the back-bone of any summer onion bed.

Cultivation Advice Onion Walla Walla organic

Days to Germination: 10-12

Days To Harvest:  115

Planting Depth: 1/2″

Spacing, Row:  18″

Spacing, Plant: 5 inches

  • Start in early spring indoors / heated greenhouse 8-10 weeks before transplanting outdoors.
  • When transplanting, clip plants to three inches and plant 2 inches deep.
  • Can be sown directly when ground has warmed in mid-late spring, at 2-3 seeds per inch.
  • Thin to 5 inches apart when plants are 6 inches tall.
  • Harvest by pulling bulbs when large enough steadily throughout the season.
  • Fertile, moist soil enriched with compost is best for onion production.
  • Onions are claimed to ward off many insect pests around lettuce, cabbage and carrots.

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