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Onion Sets Senshyu Yellow Autumn Sets (14-21mm)

Senshyu Yellow is an exceptional choice for gardeners looking to grow high-quality onions with a sweet, mild flavour. These golden-skinned onions are specifically bred for their resilience and adaptability, making them ideal for various climates and soil types. The onions mature in early summer and are best eaten fresh as they don’t store well ( 250gm ~ 71 onions ).

Please note that these onions are packed by weight, but it’s possible that some shrinkage may occur during shipment.


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Onion Sets Senshyu Yellow – Growing Instructions

Growing Instructions

  1. Prepare the soil of weeds and debris and loosen the soil to a depth of 20cm.
  2. Plant the cloves 2.5cm deep, with the pointed end facing upwards.
  3. Space the cloves 10-15cm apart to allow room for growth.
  4. Water regularly during dry spells but cease watering 2-3 weeks before harvesting.
  5. Maintain a weed-free environment around the plants to reduce competition for nutrients and water
  6. Harvest when the foliage starts turning yellow and the plant is falling over, this is typically by July-August.
  7. Place the bulb in full sun to dry out for 3-8 weeks.
  8. After this, trim off any remaining roots and store bulbs in a cool, dry place where they can last up to 8 months.

(If not planted immediately, open bag and spread somewhere cool and dry to prevent the sets sweating and rotting)


• Best sown in the autumn immediately upon receipt to allow more established roots before winter and larger bulbs.
• Use well-drained soil which is enriched with organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. This improves drainage and nutrient availability.
• Choose a location that receives full sun, ideally at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. This helps produce larger bulbs.
• Try to avoid planting in the same place as onions from current or previous year.

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