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Onion Sets Senshyu Yellow Autumn Sets (14-21mm)

Senshyu – One of the most popular Japanese over-wintering varieties that are ideal for planting from Sep to Nov.  The onions mature early summer with a nice globe shape and mild flavour.  Ideal for harvesting prior to the main crop maturing.  Best used fresh as will not store well into winter.   ( 1 kg = 250- 270 onions )

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Onion Sets Senshyu Yellow Autumn Sets

Senshyu – One of the most popular Japanese over-wintering varieties that are ideal for planting from Sep to Nov.  The onions mature early summer with a nice globe shape and mild flavour.  Ideal for harvesting prior to the main crop maturing.  Best used fresh as will not store well into winter.   ( 250gm ~ 71 onions )

All sets have been graded 14-21 mm

Cultivation advice Onion Sets Senshyu Yellow Autumn Sets


  • Soil is best prepared the previous season with organic matter.  Do not plant on a freshly manured bed.
  • Try to avoid planting in the same place as onions from current or previous year.
  • Sow late Sep – Nov in the UK as soon as delivered..
  • Plant like small bulbs so that the tips are just showing above the soil 10 cm apart with 20 cm between rows. (Closer spacing will produce smaller mature onions)
  • Protect during early growth in autumn if you have squirrels or pigeons in the area.
  • Keep weed free.


(Please note onion sets are supplied by weight at point of packaging and exact counts of onion sets per bag will vary with the size of the sets.)


(Average 250-270 sets per Kg)


(These sets are heat treated to reduce bolting)


(The Sets are supplied in stapled recyclable brown bags with the name and contents clearly labelled)


(Due to high item weight FREEPOST & discount offers do not apply for this item)

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