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Miniture Sweet Corn Sweetcorn Minipop F1


Miniture Sweet Corn Sweetcorn Minipop F1. A baby Sweetcorn variety producing tender and sweet mini sweetcorn cobs which are best grown at high density and ideal for smaller plots.  Should be harvested when cobs are 10cm in length and silk tassels appear with each plant producing 5-6 cobs per plant

  • Seed Count: 55

2307 in stock

SKU: SWC09 Categories: ,

Miniture Sweet Corn Sweetcorn Minipop F1

Miniture Sweet Corn Sweetcorn Minipop F1. A baby Sweetcorn variety producing tender and sweet mini sweetcorn cobs which are best grown at high density and ideal for smaller plots.  Should be harvested when cobs are 10cm in length and silk tassels appear with each plant producing 5-6 cobs per plant.  Thrives in most cultivated soils.  Plants are tall up to 7ft.

Cultivation advice Miniture Sweet Corn Sweetcorn Minipop F1

  • Ensure the growing location has good drainage and enough humus to ensure the ground will not dry too quickly.
  • Sow in early spring under cover in 3in pots 1in deep for the earliest crop at a minimum temp of 50F, warmth will aid germination rates.  Harden off before planting out.  Alternatively sow directly outside in late spring allowing 12in between plants and 12in between rows.
  • Do not allow the crop to dry out during hot weather whilst flowering.
  • Harvest when tassels just show.
  • Pick before fertilization occurs when silks start to show.
  • As cropping is intense, feed soils each growing season with slow release fertilizer.

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