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Mimulus Tigrinus


A stunning bright flowering annual perfect for more shaded and wet areas in the garden.  Also called “Monkey Flower” from its spotted funnel shaped flowers said to resemble the grinning face of a monkey.

SKU: rng_MIMULUS-TIGRINUS Categories: ,


A stunning bright flowering annual perfect for more shaded and wet areas in the garden.  Also called “Monkey Flower” from its spotted funnel shaped flowers said to resemble the grinning face of a monkey.  The Yellow and copper blotched flowers started very early in the season and benefit from cutting back early summer to deliver a second flush.  Height 40cm.  Will survive the winter in mild areas.

 Cultivation advice MIMULUS TIGRINUS

  • Sow from Feb / Mar indoors or undercover with a minimum temperature of 15C.
  • Seed is extremely fine and needs sowing thinly on the surface of fine grade seed compost and pressed in / not covered.
  • Germination 10-14 days at correct temperature
  • When large enough to handle prick out to seed trays and grow on.
  • Harden off before planting out around May on wards.
  • Needs well watered damp conditions to thrive and prefers part to full shade.

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