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Lettuce – Saladin Iceburg Type


Lettuce Saladin Iceburg Type is a large quality ‘Iceburg’ type lettuce producing dense crisp hearts of succulent leaves. Stands well and is resistant to tip burn.

  • Size: 5 gm

1028 in stock

SKU: LET30 Category:

Lettuce Saladin Iceburg Type

Lettuce Saladin Iceburg Type is a large quality ‘Iceburg’ type lettuce producing dense crisp hearts of succulent leaves. Stands well and is resistant to tip burn.

Cultivation Advice Lettuce Saladin Iceburg Type

Days To Harvest: 75.

Days To Germination: 7-10.

Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch.

Spacing, Row: 12-18 inches.

Spacing, Plant: 10-12 inches.

Light: Full Sun

  • Sow often and little (every 3-4 weeks) from the last frost until winter for a continuous crop all summer.
  • Ensure at least 12 inches between plants and start harvesting young to prevent gluts and crops all at once.

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