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Hot Chilli Pepper Habanero Red Organic


Hot Chilli Pepper – Habanero Red Organic. Needing little introduction, this famous variety of very hot pepper originates from Mexico and has been refined to produce extremely hot wrinkled fruits, rated at 300,000 scolvilles plus.  Matures from green to red at full maturity.  (90 days)

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Hot Chilli Pepper – Habanero Red Organic

Hot Chilli Pepper – Habanero Red Organic. Needing little introduction, this famous variety of very hot pepper originates from Mexico and has been refined to produce extremely hot wrinkled fruits, rated at 300,000 scolvilles plus.  Matures from green to red at full maturity.  (90 days)

Cultivation advice Hot Chilli Pepper Habanero Red Organic

  • Days to Germination: 10-21
  • Optimum Soil Temp. for Germination: 70F+
  • Days To Harvest: 100
  • Planting Depth: 1/4in
  • Spacing, Plant: 24 inches
  • Light: Greenhouse / Conservatory
  • Sow seeds 1/4″ deep in 3in pots with quality seed compost.  Keep moist.  Seedlings emerge in 10-21 days at 70degrees F+.
  • Transplant to individual containers when seedlings have at least two pairs of leaves.
  • When 4-5 inches plant 18″ apart in greenhouse / conservatory with root ball 1/2″ below the soil surface.
  • Keep moist and feed when flowering with tomato type fertiliser.
  • Harvest when fruits have reached full-size and full colour.

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