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Herb Lemon Coriander (for germination)


SKU: Rng_374416843787 Categories: ,

Herb Lemon Coriander (for germination)

A great alternative to Standard Coriander, delivering a greatly enhanced citrus flavour and scent. Grown both for its aromatic seeds which are used for flavouring liquors and confections and leaves which are similar to parsley.

 Cultivation advice Herb Lemon Coriander (for germination)

  • Ideal for containers / windowsills or open ground with well draining soil and full sun
  • Can be sown heated undercover or indoors 6 weeks before planting out or directly outdoors after the last frost.
  • Germination takes 7-14 days depending on temperature.
  • These do not like being disturbed with thinnings unlikely to prosper.
  • Harden off before planting out seedlings raised under-cover.
  • Plants should ideally be spaced 9-12 inches apart and will grow to around 18-24 inches at maturity.
  • Plants mature from germination in 6-8 weeks

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