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Herb Claytonia Perfollata – Miners Lettuce


Also known as Winter Purslane or Miner’s lettuce this succulent salad green has recently re-gained popularity as a mixed salad leaf and for use steamed similar to Spinach.  The main attraction is its ease of cultivation and its productivity through the winter cold months when little else is growing.

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Herb Claytonia Perfollata – Miners Lettuce

Also known as Winter Purslane or Miner’s lettuce this succulent salad green has recently re-gained popularity as a mixed salad leaf and for use steamed similar to Spinach.  The main attraction is its ease of cultivation and its productivity through the winter cold months when little else is growing.

Cultivation advice Herb Claytonia Perfollata – Miners Lettuce


  •  Sow thinly directly outdoors Aug through to Oct 1cm deep in rows 25-30cm apart.
  • Can be sown under cover unheated Aug – Dec or Mar –Apr.
  • Thin and use progressively as the plants develop.  This is a cut and come again variety over winter.

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