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Herb – Basil Spicy Globe Bush


Herb Basil Spicy Globe Bush. A very attractive and the best small leafed variety producing bushy, tight, compact mounds a foot or more across, that keeps its shape all season without pinching. A favourite culinary variety with its strong aroma. Perfect as an edging plant or equally happy in pots & containers. 8-10 ins

SKU: Rng_390552166828 Categories: ,

Herb Basil Spicy Globe Bush

Herb Basil Spicy Globe Bush. A very attractive and the best small leafed variety producing bushy, tight, compact mounds a foot or more across, that keeps its shape all season without pinching. A favourite culinary variety with its strong aroma. Perfect as an edging plant or equally happy in pots & containers. 8-10 ins

Cultivation Advice Herb Basil Spicy Globe Bush

  • Sow in a location with full sun (or Partial Shade) outdoors after all danger of frost and when it is warm.
  • Basil can be planted outside from early-spring through mid-summer.
  • For earlier plants or out of season, start seeds indoors and set plants outside when it is warm, after all danger of frost.
  • Cover seed with 1/16 to 1/8 inch fine soil. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.
  • Thin or transplant when at least 2 inches tall to approximately 10-12 inches apart.
  • Indoors, transplant seedlings to individual pots and set plants outside when it is warm and after all danger of frost.
  • Harvest leaves continually to encourage new growth.
  • Use pruned leaves or harvested plants fresh or dry them in a warm, airy place.
  • If you practice companion planting, plant basil near tomatoes and peppers to enhance their growth.
  • Days to Germination: 7-21
  • Days To Harvest:  60
  • Planting Depth: 1/16-1/8 inch (not very deep)
  • Spacing, Row: 12-18 inches
  • Spacing, Plant:10-12 inches
  • Light:  Full Sun (or Partial Shade)

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