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Green Manure Phacelia Tanacetifolia


An inter-crop bushy plant with bright blue flowers, perfect as a Nitrogen fixer and much loved by beas and insects alike. A hardy annual it gives good ground cover and establishes dense foliage quickly for digging in prior to flowering.

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Green Manure Phacelia Tanacetifolia

Green Manure Phacelia Tanacetifolia. An inter-crop bushy plant with bright blue flowers, perfect as a Nitrogen fixer and much loved by beas and insects alike. A hardy annual it gives good ground cover and establishes dense foliage quickly for digging in prior to flowering.  (500gm packet is suitable for approximately 160 square metres)

 Cultivation Advice Green Manure Phacelia Tanacetifolia

Type: Hardy Annual

Time to Germinate: 10-14 Days

Temperature to germinate: 15°c +

Position/ Light: Full Sun

Sow outside – March- August


  • Sow from Mar through to end of Aug.
  • Scatter thinly and lightly rake in to prepared area.
  • The plants will flower from 60 days after sowing in warm ideal conditions and continue for a further 2-3 weeks.  The crop is best dug in prior to the plants setting seed if used as green manure.
  • If sown to attract beneficial insects leave in flower as long as possible.
  • For late autumn sown seed, the plants will not set seed until the following season and can be left in over winter.  They may well die in the coldest weather, simply leave to cover the soil and dig in during spring

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