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Green Manure Crimson Clover

Green Manure Crimson Clover is recommended as a green mature for both smothering weeds and fixing nitrogen. It has deep roots that penetrate the soil and bulky foliage that once dug in improves soil structure.

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Green Manure Crimson Clover

Green Manure Crimson Clover is recommended as a green mature for both smothering weeds and fixing nitrogen. It has deep roots that penetrate the soil and bulky foliage that once dug in improves soil structure. Good resistance to low temperatures. Ideal sown the autumn prior to brassicas in a crop rotation plan to release nitrogen to the leafy green crops. (25gm packet is suitable for approximately 8 square metres)

Cultivation Advice Green Manure Crimson Clover 

Type: Hardy Perennial

Time to Germinate: 3-5 Days

Position/ Light: Full Sun or partially shaded

Sow outside – March- August

  • Sow from Mar through to end of Aug.
  • Scatter thinly and lightly rake in to prepared area.
  • Can be cut down and dug in from 60 days after sowing or left until area required.
  • Best suited to Sandy or light soil types.
  • 25gm will cover approx. 8 square metres.

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