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GOURD SMALL SPOON. A strikingly colored, orange and green striped small spoon-shaped gourd , five to six inch long, narrow curved neck and a three inch bulb.   Vines will trail or can be trained up a support. Huge yields.  Perfect for making crafts or winter decorations

583 in stock

SKU: GOR15 Categories: ,

Cultivation Advice – Gourd – Small Spoon

  • Sow inside from 4-6 weeks before the last frost in good quality moist compost at 2 seeds per pot ½” deep.
  • Ensure seeds are maintained at 70-85F during germination to avoid rotting.
  • Transplant outdoors in garden when soil is warm.
  • Gourds have vines and should be provided with support to keep them off the ground.  Can be left to ground trail.
  • Add mulch after planting out to prevent soil from drying out.

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