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Geranium F1- Horizon Mix


An early, prolific and free-flowering F1 hybrid variety throughout the season with uniform flowering across the colour range.  Flower heads are borne at a uniform height with excellent basal branching and well zoned foliage.

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Geranium F1- Horizon Mix

Geranium F1- Horizon Mix . An early, prolific and free-flowering F1 hybrid variety throughout the season with uniform flowering across the colour range.  Flower heads are borne at a uniform height with excellent basal branching and well zoned foliage.  Height 30-40 cm.

Cultivation Advice Geranium F1- Horizon Mix

  • Sow sparingly in pots or trays of good fine moist seed compost at 1.5 mm from Mid Jan to Mid Mar at an optimum germination temperature of 70-75 F. Lower temperature may seriously reduce germination rates.
  • Germination can take from 3-21 days depending on conditions provided.
  • Will not tolerate unheated greenhouses in early spring.
  • Once germinated reduce the temperature provided and thin to individual pots when large enough to handle.
  • Grow on under cover and slowly harden off to outside conditions after all danger of frost has passed.
  • Plant 12 in apart in full sun.Prefers rich, light, well drained soil.
  • Specimens utilised in baskets will require feeding to maintain flower production.
  • Ensure plants are regularly dead-headed to encourage flower production throughout the season.

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