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Forget Me Not Myosotis Alpestris White


One of the most popular filling plants for spring bedding, often seen planted in the company of wallflowers or tulips.  Excellent for ground cover and thrives in moist soils.

SKU: Rng_Forget Me Not Myosotis Sylvatica White Categories: , ,

Forget Me Not Myosotis Alpestris White

Forget Me Not Myosotis Alpestris White. One of the most popular filling plants for spring bedding, often seen planted in the company of wallflowers or tulips.  Excellent for ground cover and thrives in moist soils.  It is a neat little plant, forming mats of brilliant white flowers through to early summer upon which it readily self seeds. Easy to cultivate. Hardy Biennial. 6-8 inches.

 Cultivation Advice Forget Me Not Myosotis Alpestris White

  • Sow in late spring to early summer outdoors in a well prepared seed-bed.
  • Can be scatter sown in any border or area to achieve ground cover.
  • Sow thinly 3mm deep in drills 30cm apart.
  • Keep moist and thin to 10cm between plants.
  • Transfer to final flowering position in late autumn.

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