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Pincushion Flower Imperial Mix


A favourite cottage garden annual producing compact plants with blooms that look like pincushions on sturdy stems in shades of lavender, pink, rose, white and maroon.

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Pincushion Flower Imperial Mix

Flower Pincushion Flower Imperial Mix. A favourite cottage garden annual producing compact plants with blooms that look like pincushions on sturdy stems in shades of lavender, pink, rose, white and maroon. Their sweet fragrance is attractive to most pollinators including butterflies & bees and they make excellent cut flowers. Height 30-40cm

Cultivation Advice Pincushion Flower Imperial Mix

  • Best sown thinly direct to the growing position in late spring after danger of frost has passed.
  • Barely cover the seeds with soil gently raking over, in a well drained location in full sun.Keep well watered
  • Germination: 10-15 days with correct soil temperature and moisture.
  • For continuous blooming remove faded blooms at a regular basis.

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