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Flower Cowslip – UK native


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Flower Cowslip – UK native

(Common Cowslip, Primula veris, True Wild Form). One of the loveliest of our native perennial wildflowers and becoming increasing rare. The pale- yellow fragrant flowers are held high above the foliage in spring. The flowers are edible and a lovely addition to salads.  Height 20-23 cm (8-9″).

Cultivation advice Flower Cowslip – UK native

  • Best sown in Autumn 2 mm deep only barely covered with soil and left in a greenhouse or cold frame over winter with a piece of glass over the tray.
  • The seed will not germinate until has had extensive exposure to cold weather to break the seeds dormancy.
  • Alternatively, sow March to May in a small pot. Enclose pot in a plastic bag or sealed container to conserve moisture and place in the bottom of a refrigerator (5°C) to pre-chill. After three weeks, remove and grow cool at 13-16°C (55-60°F).
  • Plant out to final position when seedlings are large enough to handle.
  • The variety will flower from its second season onwards and readily self-seeds.

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