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Dwarf Broad Bean Sutton Dwarf


Dwarf Broad Bean Sutton Dwarf variety of choice, ideal for smaller spaces and exposed winder sites.  Abundant crops of delicious 6in. pods are produced early in the season on sturdy bushy 12-16 inch high plants that effectively spread with a bushy habit.

1663 in stock

SKU: BRB02 Categories: , ,

Dwarf Broad Bean Sutton Dwarf

Dwarf Broad Bean Sutton Dwarf variety of choice, ideal for smaller spaces and exposed winder sites.  Abundant crops of delicious 6in. pods are produced early in the season on sturdy bushy 12-16 inch high plants that effectively spread with a bushy habit.

Cultivation Advice Dwarf Broad Bean Sutton Dwarf

  • Pods can be eaten whole when young or left to produce 4-5 tender beans per pod.
  • Sow from early spring as soon as the oil can be worked in an open sunny site preferably on ground which has been manured for a previous crop.
  • Sow in double rows 7cm (2in.) deep, 23cm (9in.) apart in the row.
  • The double rows should be spaced 23cm (9in.) apart and a distance of 40-60cm (18-24in.) should be left before the next set of double rows.
  • Keep free of weeds.
  • These will not require support and will atttian a height of only 12-16 inches
  • Harvest the beans when the pods are well fat and the seed still soft.

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