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Delphinium Dwarf Magic Fountain Series Dark Blue With White Bee


A stunning dwarf variety of this ever popular cottage garden perennial, producing sturdy plants that reach 80cm, flowering in their first year from an early sowing.

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Delphinium Dwarf Magic Fountain Series Dark Blue With White Bee

Delphinium Dwarf Magic Fountain Series Dark Blue With White Bee. A stunning dwarf variety of this ever popular cottage garden perennial, producing sturdy plants that reach 80cm, flowering in their first year from an early sowing. The centre of each flower ‘the Bee’ is light or dark coloured, depending on the variety.

Cultivation Advice Delphinium Dwarf Magic Fountain Series Dark Blue With White Bee

  • To maximise germination seeds should cold-treated (stratified) first.
  • Place the still-sealed packet in the salad drawer of the fridge for a week or two.
  • Surface sow from February to June on fine free draining compost and very lightly cover with a fine sprinkling of compost or fine vermiculite.
  • Early sowings of this variety will flower in their first year.
  • Best placed in propagator 50-55F or inside a clear polythene bag in order to maintain humidity.
  • Exclude light until first seedlings show.
  • When large enough to handle transplant into pots
  • and grow Delphinium plants on gradually acclimatizing to outdoors conditions after all risk of frost has passed.
  • Plant to final growing position when large enough 18in apart in moist well drained soil in full sun sheltered from strong winds.
  • Ensure young plants are protected from slugs and snails.

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