Cucumber Gherkin Anulka F1
An excellent F1 Hybrid Gherkin size cucumber”Anulka F1″ suitable for both outdoor and under glass production. The fruits produced are small, light green, ribbed with a small number of warts. The productivity is extremely high produced on dense growing plant. High resistance to downy Mildew and green mottle mosaic virus. In main season the fruits will need picking on almost a daily basis. Perfect for pickles and preserved.
Cultivation Advice Cucumber Gherkin Anulka F1
Type: Half-Hardy Annual
Temperature Required: 21-25°c
Time to Germinate: 7-14 Days
Days to Maturity: 50 – 60 Days
Position/ Light: Full Sun
- Best sown under cover (protected / heated) from Mid spring, 3-4 seeds 1in deep in a 3in pot in good compost, and thin later to the best one or two plants per clump. (These will not germinate in cold / damp conditions, use a propagator or warm draft free windowsill)
- Transplant no later than 3 weeks after seeding as cucumbers have a tap root that can be easily damaged.
- Cucumbers germinate and grow best when summer really gets going, and will not appreciate being planted out too early unless protected with fleece.
- To avoid bitterness, keep plants evenly moist at all times.
- Can be trained on a trellis to save space or left to roam.
- Cut fruits regularly to encourage long continuous production.