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Courgette Atena Polka F1


Courgette Atena Polka F1 is a reliable and prolific eye catching golden yellow skinned bush variety with the same great flavour as green varieties.

1927 in stock

SKU: COU17 Categories: ,

Courgette Atena Polka F1

Courgette Atena Polka F1 is a reliable and prolific eye catching golden yellow skinned bush variety with the same great flavour as green varieties.

Cultivation Advice Courgette Atena Polka F1

Type:  Half-Hardy Annual

Time to Germinate: 3-10 Days

Temperature Required: 18°c +

Days to Maturity: 50-60 Days

Light: Full Sun

  • A sunny spot protected from strong winds is essential.
  • The soil should be well drained and rich in humus, the more the better.
  • For an early start (late Mar) place a single seed edgeways 1/2inch deep in seed compost in a 3inch pot. The critical part is temperature, these need at least 65F continuous soil temperature (preferably more to maximise germination rates) until germinated.
  • Keep the soil moist – water copiously around the plants, not over them.
  • Keep weed free to allow air circulation.
  • Once the plants start to fruit, feed every 14 days with a tomato type fertilizer, these are greedy plants.

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