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Cosmidium Burridgeanum Brunette


An attractive and easy to grow annual, delivering masses of flowers with chocolate centres surrounded by a circle of gold. Height: 30-45 cm (12-18 in).

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Cosmidium Burridgeanum Brunette

An attractive and easy to grow annual, delivering masses of flowers with chocolate centres surrounded by a circle of gold. Height: 30-45 cm (12-18 in).

Cultivation advice Cosmidium Burridgeanum Brunette

  • Sow early spring under cover on moist fine seed compost and lightly cover with vermiculite.
  • Germination in 7-14 days at 15-20 C (59-68 F).
  • Do not exclude light during germination.
  • When large enough to handle transplant to post or trays and grow on.
  • Acclimatize to outdoor conditions before planting outside after all risk of frost has passed  at 25cm ( 9 inches apart).
  • Best in full / Part sun

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