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Cauliflower All Year Round


A popular and reliable English Heirloom variety that can be sown and harvested in all the cauliflower periods, although, best planted in summer and overwintered for harvesting the following year. Ideal for succession sowing.

  • Seed Count: 1100

250 in stock

SKU: CAU06_2020080314445026 Categories: ,

Cauliflower All Year Round

A popular and reliable English Heirloom variety that can be sown and harvested in all the cauliflower periods, although, best planted in summer and overwintered for harvesting the following year. Ideal for succession sowing.  The dwarf compact plants will make very large, tight heads and are one of the easiest to grow as well. Prefers a moist, rich well drained soil for optimum heads.

Cultivation Advice Cauliflower All Year Round


Type: Hardy Biennial

Time to Germinate: 3-10 Days

Temperature Required: 12-26°c

Days to Maturity: 70-80 Days

Light: Partial Shade/Full Sun


  • Sow seeds Feb-May or Jul-Oct for over-wintering.
  • Sow in pots or trays in good fine seed compost with a 6mm covering of compost or vermiculite at a minimum of 15c.
  • Can be sown directly to a seed bed when the soil has warmed allowing 30cm between rows.
  • Transplant pot grown seedlings when large enough to handle to plugs or 24 plants per standard tray.
  • Plants directly sown should be thinned.
  • Plant to final growing location in firm soil allowing at least 30cm between plants.

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