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Calendula Orange King


SKU: Rng_390764176153 Categories: ,

Calendula Orange King

Calendula Orange King. Enormous, fully double bright orange flowers are produced throughout the season on straight stems reaching 15 inches. Because of it’s easy adaptability to being grown in a pot, it is sometimes referred to as a POT MARIGOLD. Easy to grow, this is an Annual that acts like a perennial, because it easily reseeds itself, coming up year after year without further care.

Cultivation Advice Calendula Orange King

  • Sow seed indoors in early spring for an early start, or, start seeds in the garden after danger of frost has passed.
  • In mild winter areas sow seeds in late summer through early autumn for spring or possible fall flowering.
  • Cover the seeds with 1/8 to 1/4 inch fine soil.
  • Keep soil moderately moist during germination.
  • When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin to 8 to 10 inches apart.
  • Transplant thinned plants.
  • For continual flowering, keep the flowers cut.
  • Grow best in full sun or part sun and shade.
  • Easy to grow. Calendula’s are not choosy about soil.
  • Leave last flowers of the year and these will readily self seed for next year.

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