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Cabbage Winter Tundra F1


One of the best and hardiest of winter cabbages available. Very frost hardy and matures very quickly. Best sown between May-Jul, they will mature around Nov but stand well until Apr.

  • Seed Count: 55

124 in stock

SKU: CAB24 Categories: ,

Cabbage Winter Tundra F1

Cabbage Winter Tundra F1. One of the best and hardiest of winter cabbages available. Very frost hardy and matures very quickly. Best sown between May-Jul, they will mature around Nov but stand well until Apr.

Cultivation Advice Cabbage Winter Tundra F1

Best sown between May-Jul, they will mature around Nov but stand well until Apr.

Days to Germination: 10-15.

Planting Depth: 1/8″.

Spacing, Row: 24-36 inches.

Spacing, Plant: 18-24″.

Light: Sunny Location

  • Can be sown thinly in trays or direct to prepared seed drills.
  • When seedlings are 2 inch tall thin / transplant to one plant every 18-24 inches and water in well.
  • Plant in a sunny location where no cabbage was grown the year before.

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