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Broccoletto Quarantino Riccio


A speciality fast growing variety from Italy also known as ‘Rapini, Raab or Rabe’ which is very popular on the continent. Harvesting in around 45 days this is a ideal catch crop vegetable similar to Kale with thin shoots topped by loose, small broccoli like bud clusters with a slightly sharper flavour than broccoli.

3648 in stock

SKU: BRO05 Categories: ,

A speciality fast growing variety from Italy also known as ‘Rapini, Raab or Rabe’ which is very popular on the continent. Harvesting in around 45 days this is a ideal catch crop vegetable similar to Kale with thin shoots topped by loose, small broccoli like bud clusters with a slightly sharper flavour than broccoli.

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