Bellis Perennis – Ave (white) – Large Flowered
Bellis Perennis Large flowered produces masses of pure white semi double flowers on neat, compact plants. Perfect as part of a spring display in borders, baskets and containers alike together with myosotis or tulips. Although strictly a perennial ,it is treated as a biennial and is excellent for use for both autumn and spring.
Cultivation advice Bellis Perennis – Ave (white) – Large Flowered
Sow in late spring/early summer outdoors in a sheltered, shady site in a well-prepared seed bed about 6mm (¼in) deep. You can sow the seeds equally in pots or trays if there is not enough space.
Germination in 14-21 days at around 20°C (68°F).
You should prick the seedlings out when large enough to handle (pricked-out seedlings have a better root system).
You can grow thin seedlings outside to 10-15cm (4-6in) apart when they are large enough to handle and finally transplant to flowering site in autumn 23cm (9in) apart in sun or part shade for flowering the following spring.
“Bellis” requires full sun. You should avoid damp situations and you should take care not to over-water the plants.