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Beetroot Cylindra – Seed Tape 6M (3X2M) ~ 329 Seeds


Beetroot Cylindra is a uniquely shaped long slim cylindrical beetroot with a dark red colour of both the outer smooth skin and inner sweet tasting flesh.  Ideal variety for slicing.  Especially productive in small areas.

96 in stock

SKU: TAP20 Category:

Beetroot Cylindra – Seed Tape 6M (3X2M) ~ 329 Seeds

Beetroot Cylindra is a uniquely shaped long slim cylindrical beetroot with a dark red colour of both the outer smooth skin and inner sweet tasting flesh.  Ideal variety for slicing.  Especially productive in small areas.

Seed tapes are the easiest way to sow vegetables, the seeds have been incorporated in a bio-degradable paper tape which ensures the correct spacing and minimises the need for thinning.  The seeds simply germinate through the tape in position.

Cultivation advice Beetroot Cylindra – Seed Tape 6M (3X2M) ~ 329 Seeds

  • Sow Late April-July direct to the growing position outside.
  • Prepare the soil in your chosen growing location, removing any weeds and raking to a fine tilth.
  • Make a shallow drill in the soil and simply roll out the tape in the groove. Tape can be cut to suit row length.
  • Cover very thinly with soil, water lightly, mark the row with a label and ensure the soil is kept moist.
  • The seed is pre-spaced on the tape; however, you may need to do a small amount of thinning on some varieties as they develop depending on the germination rate achieved.

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