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Bean Yard Long-Un Metro Ramp


A very popular bean in Italian cuisine, growing up to 3ft long in ideal conditions with an excellent flavour.  Best harvested when 12 inches long and very tender.  Does not appreciate cold, damp or windy conditions and requires a very warm sheltered spot to thrive outside in the UK.  If outside plant out around 4 weeks after you would transplant tomatoes outdoors.  The vines are very vigorous and will need robust support and ample moisture.  Must be picked continuously to encourage production.   Best  grown in Poly-tunnels, under glass and larger conservatories.

  • Seed Count: 70 Seeds

907 in stock

SKU: BEA05 Categories: ,

Bean Yard Long Un Metro Ramp new – Cultivation Advice

  • Beans are hungry crops that require ample organic matter dug in prior to sowing.
  • Sow in pots undercover in April / May with warmth provided for an earlier harvest.
  • Growing location must be very sunny, warm and well sheltered, these will not grow in the UK in cold, damp exposed locations.
  • Protect young plants from pests.
  • Loosely tie in young plants to supports, thereafter these are vigorous large plants.
  • Feed once in flower with a high-potash fertiliser to prolong cropping.
  • Harvest continuously Jun-Oct.

Bean Yard Long Un Metro Ramp new – Key Facts

Germination time: 7-14 days
Germination Temp: 18C / 65F+
Planting Depth:  2 inch
Spacing, Row:  18 inches
Spacing, Seeds:   6-9 inches
Light:  Sunny Location

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