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  • Product: Artichoke (Italian)
  • Categories: Vegetables
  • WooCategory1: Vegetables
  • WooCategory2: Artichoke
  • gtin: 5055923628188
SKU: Rng_371990603951 Categories: ,

Vegetable Artichoke Gros Vert De Laon

Artichoke – Gros Vert De Laon. A traditional Heirloom French globe artichoke producing the largest hearts of any artichoke.  A perennial vegetable producing large flower heads which are deep green faintly tinged with purple with solid hearts.  The plants are easy to grow and last many years. Its Silver-green foliage and large flower heads make this an interesting plant when grown in the ornamental garden.  The fleshy base of the petals and the meaty heart are the most edible parts. Buds are usually cut when 6-10cm in diameter.  Vigorous and prolific plants grow up to a height of 1.8m and will produce the first year from seed but are usually better when cut back and carried over to the second year.

Cultivation Advice Artichoke – Gros Vert De Laon

  • Sow under cover with warmth provided from late winter to early spring 2-3cm deep 2 seeds per pot. Thin to the strongest seedling.  Plant out after all danger of frost has passed, 1m apart,  when plants reach 15cm.
  • Can be sown directly outside into soil April to June (when the air temperature is above 15°C) sow 3-5cm deep. (best started in pots)
  • Harvest April to July in the second season.
  • When harvesting the artichoke if there are no secondary heads left, snap the stem off at the base; if there are secondary heads on the stem, cut off the terminal bud together with a short length of stem as this will stimulate secondary shoots which may yield a second crop.
  • In late autumn cut the plants back just above ground level and mulch to protect the crown over winter.

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